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Version: 2.1.x


Runs a js_binary as a build action.

This macro wraps Aspect bazel-lib's run_binary ( and adds attributes and features specific to rules_js's js_binary.

Load this with,

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_run_binary")

Macros and Functions


Wrapper around @aspect_bazel_lib run_binary that adds convenience attributes for using a js_binary tool.

This rule does not require Bash native.genrule.

The following environment variables are made available to the Node.js runtime based on available Bazel Make variables:

  • BAZEL_BINDIR: the WORKSPACE-relative bazel bin directory; equivalent to the $(BINDIR) Make variable of the js_run_binary target
  • BAZEL_COMPILATION_MODE: One of fastbuild, dbg, or opt as set by --compilation_mode; equivalent to $(COMPILATION_MODE) Make variable of the js_run_binary target
  • BAZEL_TARGET_CPU: the target cpu architecture; equivalent to $(TARGET_CPU) Make variable of the js_run_binary target

The following environment variables are made available to the Node.js runtime based on the rule context:

  • BAZEL_BUILD_FILE_PATH: the WORKSPACE-relative path to the BUILD file of the bazel target being run; equivalent to ctx.build_file_path of the js_run_binary target's rule context
  • BAZEL_PACKAGE: the package of the bazel target being run; equivalent to ctx.label.package of the js_run_binary target's rule context
  • BAZEL_TARGET_NAME: the full label of the bazel target being run; a stringified version of ctx.label of the js_run_binary target's rule context
  • BAZEL_TARGET: the name of the bazel target being run; equivalent to of the js_run_binary target's rule context
  • BAZEL_WORKSPACE: the bazel workspace name; equivalent to ctx.workspace_name of the js_run_binary target's rule context

Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_run_binary")

# Target name
name = "",
# The tool to run in the action
tool = None,



Target name



The tool to run in the action.

Should be a js_binary rule. Use Aspect bazel-lib's run_binary ( for other *_binary rule types.


Optional. Default: {}

Environment variables of the action.

Subject to $(location) and make variable expansion.


Optional. Default: []

Additional inputs of the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Optional. Default: []

Output files generated by the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Optional. Default: []

Output directories generated by the action.

These labels are not available for $(location) expansion in args and env since they are not pre-declared labels created via attr.output_list(). Output directories are declared instead by ctx.actions.declare_directory.


Optional. Default: []

Command line arguments of the binary.

Subject to $(location) and make variable expansion.


Optional. Default: None

Working directory to run the build action in.

This overrides the chdir value if set on the js_binary tool target.

By default, js_binary tools run in the root of the output tree. For more context on why, please read the aspect_rules_js README

To run in the directory containing the js_run_binary in the output tree, use chdir = package_name() (or if you're in a macro, use native.package_name()).

WARNING: this will affect other paths passed to the program, either as arguments or in configuration files, which are workspace-relative.

You may need ../../ segments to re-relativize such paths to the new working directory.


Optional. Default: None

Output file to capture the stdout of the binary.

This can later be used as an input to another target subject to the same semantics as outs.

If the binary creates outputs and these are declared, they must still be created.


Optional. Default: None

Output file to capture the stderr of the binary to.

This can later be used as an input to another target subject to the same semantics as outs.

If the binary creates outputs and these are declared, they must still be created.


Optional. Default: None

Output file to capture the exit code of the binary to.

This can later be used as an input to another target subject to the same semantics as outs. Note that setting this will force the binary to exit 0.

If the binary creates outputs and these are declared, they must still be created.


Optional. Default: True

produce no output on stdout nor stderr when program exits with status code 0.

This makes node binaries match the expected bazel paradigm.


Optional. Default: True

Use the entry_point script of the js_binary tool that is in the execroot output tree instead of the copy that is in runfiles.

Runfiles of tool are all hoisted to srcs of the underlying run_binary so they are included as execroot inputs to the action.

Using the entry point script that is in the execroot output tree means that there will be no conflicting runfiles node_modules in the node_modules resolution path which can confuse npm packages such as next and react that don't like being resolved in multiple node_modules trees. This more closely emulates the environment that tools such as Next.js see when they are run outside of Bazel.

When True, the js_binary tool must have copy_data_to_bin set to True (the default) so that all data files needed by the binary are available in the execroot output tree. This requirement can be turned off with by setting allow_execroot_entry_point_with_no_copy_data_to_bin to True.


Optional. Default: True

When True, all srcs files are copied to the output tree that are not already there.


Optional. Default: True

see js_info_files documentation


Optional. Default: False

see js_info_files documentation


Optional. Default: True

see js_info_files documentation


Optional. Default: False

see js_info_files documentation


Optional. Default: True

see js_info_files documentation


Optional. Default: None

Set the logging level of the js_binary tool.

This overrides the log level set on the js_binary tool target.


Optional. Default: "JsRunBinary"

A one-word description of the action, for example, CppCompile or GoLink.


Optional. Default: None

Progress message to show to the user during the build, for example, "Compiling to create foo.o". The message may contain %{label}, %{input}, or %{output} patterns, which are substituted with label string, first input, or output's path, respectively. Prefer to use patterns instead of static strings, because the former are more efficient.


Optional. Default: None

Information for scheduling the action.

For example,

execution_requirements = {
"no-cache": "1",

See for useful keys.


Optional. Default: 0

Whether to include build status files as inputs to the tool. Possible values:

  • stamp = 0 (default): Never include build status files as inputs to the tool. This gives good build result caching. Most tools don't use the status files, so including them in --stamp builds makes those builds have many needless cache misses. (Note: this default is different from most rules with an integer-typed stamp attribute.)
  • stamp = 1: Always include build status files as inputs to the tool, even in --nostamp builds. This setting should be avoided, since it is non-deterministic. It potentially causes remote cache misses for the target and any downstream actions that depend on the result.
  • stamp = -1: Inclusion of build status files as inputs is controlled by the --[no]stamp flag. Stamped targets are not rebuilt unless their dependencies change.

Default value is 0 since the majority of js_run_binary targets in a build graph typically do not use build status files and including them for all js_run_binary actions whenever --stamp is set would result in invalidating the entire graph and would prevent cache hits. Stamping is typically done in terminal targets when building release artifacts and stamp should typically be set explicitly in these targets to -1 so it is enabled when the --stamp flag is set.

When stamping is enabled, an additional two environment variables will be set for the action:


These files can be read and parsed by the action, for example to pass some values to a bundler.


Optional. Default: True

Patch the to Node.js fs API ( for this node program to prevent the program from following symlinks out of the execroot, runfiles and the sandbox.

When enabled, js_binary patches the Node.js sync and async fs API functions lstat, readlink, realpath, readdir and opendir so that the node program being run cannot resolve symlinks out of the execroot and the runfiles tree. When in the sandbox, these patches prevent the program being run from resolving symlinks out of the sandbox.

When disabled, node programs can leave the execroot, runfiles and sandbox by following symlinks which can lead to non-hermetic behavior.


Optional. Default: False

Turn off validation that the js_binary tool has copy_data_to_bin set to True when use_execroot_entry_point is set to True.

See use_execroot_entry_point doc for more info.


Optional. Default: None

If set, passed to the underlying run_binary.

May introduce non-determinism when True; use with care! See e.g.

Requires a minimum of aspect_bazel_lib v1.40.3 or v2.4.2.

Refer to for more details.



Additional arguments