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Version: 2.1.x


js_library groups together JS sources and arranges them and their transitive and npm dependencies into a provided JsInfo. There are no Bazel actions to run.

For example, this BUILD file groups a pair of .js/.d.ts files along with the package.json. The latter is needed because it contains a typings key that allows downstream users of this library to resolve the one.d.ts file. The main key is another commonly used field in package.json which would require including it in the library.

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_library")

name = "one",
srcs = [

| This is similar to py_library which depends on | Python sources and provides a PyInfo.



A library of JavaScript sources. Provides JsInfo, the primary provider used in rules_js and derivative rule sets.

Declaration files are handled separately from sources since they are generally not needed at runtime and build rules, such as ts_project, are optimal in their build graph if they only depend on types from deps since these they don't need the JavaScript source files from deps to typecheck.

Linked npm dependences are also handled separately from sources since not all rules require them and it is optimal for these rules to not depend on them in the build graph.

NB: js_library copies all source files to the output tree before providing them in JsInfo. See for more context on why we do this.

Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_library")

# A unique name for this target.
name = "",


Required name.

A unique name for this target.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Source files that are included in this library.

This includes all your checked-in code and any generated source files.

The transitive npm dependencies, transitive sources & runfiles of targets in the srcs attribute are added to the runfiles of this target. They should appear in the '*.runfiles' area of any executable which is output by or has a runtime dependency on this target.

Source files that are JSON files, declaration files or directory artifacts will be automatically provided as "types" available to downstream rules for type checking. To explicitly provide source files as "types" available to downstream rules for type checking that do not match these criteria, move those files to the types attribute instead.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Same as srcs except all files are also provided as "types" available to downstream rules for type checking.

For example, a js_library with only .js files that are intended to be imported as .js files by downstream type checking rules such as ts_project would list those files in types:

name = "js_lib",
types = ["index.js"],


Optional list of labels. Default: []

[Must provide JsInfo]

Dependencies of this target.

This may include other js_library targets or other targets that provide JsInfo

The transitive npm dependencies, transitive sources & runfiles of targets in the deps attribute are added to the runfiles of this target. They should appear in the '*.runfiles' area of any executable which is output by or has a runtime dependency on this target.

If this list contains linked npm packages, npm package store targets or other targets that provide JsInfo, NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are gathered from JsInfo. This is done directly from the npm_package_store_infos field of these. For linked npm package targets, the underlying npm_package_store target(s) that back the links are used. Gathered NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked targets.

NB: Linked npm package targets that are "dev" dependencies do not forward their underlying npm_package_store target(s) through npm_package_store_infos and will therefore not be propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked targets. npm packages that come in from npm_translate_lock are considered "dev" dependencies if they are have dev: true set in the pnpm lock file. This should be all packages that are only listed as "devDependencies" in all package.json files within the pnpm workspace. This behavior is intentional to mimic how devDependencies work in published npm packages.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Runtime dependencies to include in binaries/tests that depend on this target.

The transitive npm dependencies, transitive sources, default outputs and runfiles of targets in the data attribute are added to the runfiles of this target. They should appear in the '*.runfiles' area of any executable which has a runtime dependency on this target.

If this list contains linked npm packages, npm package store targets or other targets that provide JsInfo, NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are gathered from JsInfo. This is done directly from the npm_package_store_infos field of these. For linked npm package targets, the underlying npm_package_store target(s) that back the links are used. Gathered NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked targets.

NB: Linked npm package targets that are "dev" dependencies do not forward their underlying npm_package_store target(s) through npm_package_store_infos and will therefore not be propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked targets. npm packages that come in from npm_translate_lock are considered "dev" dependencies if they are have dev: true set in the pnpm lock file. This should be all packages that are only listed as "devDependencies" in all package.json files within the pnpm workspace. This behavior is intentional to mimic how devDependencies work in published npm packages.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

List of files to not copy to the Bazel output tree when copy_data_to_bin is True.

This is useful for exceptional cases where a copy_to_bin is not possible or not suitable for an input file such as a file in an external repository. In most cases, this option is not needed. See copy_data_to_bin docstring for more info.


Optional boolean. Default: True

When True, data files are copied to the Bazel output tree before being passed as inputs to runfiles.

Macros and Functions


Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_library_lib")

ctx = None,

