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Bazel Rules

"Rules" are how Bazel is extended to learn how to use new tools to build and test more languages and frameworks. Thus rules are a critical part of Aspect's Bazel platform.

The Bazel rules listed below are built and maintained by Aspect engineers. They are free to use and released under the Apache 2.0 License.

If you use our free software, please consider supporting the development and maintenance of our open source Bazel rules through open collective. We also accept Bug Bounties and Feature Bounties to unblock your usage of our rules when you find something broken or missing.

Aspect's Bazel OSS Support is the missing commercial support option for Bazel and its ecosystem of rules, including Aspect’s rules. We will do our best to keep your team unblocked by answering questions, pointing to relevant documentation and issues, and recommending best practice patterns we've seen succeed. To learn more, contact us.


rules_jsGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for building JavaScript programs
rules_tsGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for TypeScript
rules_swcGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for swc
rules_esbuildGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for esbuild JS bundler
rules_terserGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for Terser - a JavaScript minifier
rules_webpackGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for Webpack
rules_rollupGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for Rollup - a JavaScript bundler
rules_jestGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules to run tests using Jest
rules_jasmineGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules to run tests using Jasmine
rules_cypressGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules to run tests using Cypress
rules_denoGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for Deno, an alternative server JS runtime to Node.js


rules_pyGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for running Python tools and building Python projects


rules_ociGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for building OCI containers


rules_solGitHub release (latest by date)Bazel rules for the Solidity blockchain contracts compiler, solc (


bazel-libGitHub release (latest by date)Common useful rules & functions for writing custom build rules with Starlark
rules_lintGitHub release (latest by date)Hermetic aggregation formatter to format code in most languages