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Version: 3.2.x

Public API for TypeScript rules

The most commonly used is the ts_project macro which accepts TypeScript sources as inputs and produces JavaScript or declaration (.d.ts) outputs.



Allows a tsconfig.json file to extend another file.

Normally, you just give a single tsconfig.json file as the tsconfig attribute of a ts_library or ts_project rule. However, if your tsconfig.json uses the extends feature from TypeScript, then the Bazel implementation needs to know about that extended configuration file as well, to pass them both to the TypeScript compiler.

Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:defs.bzl", "ts_config")

# A unique name for this target.
name = "",
# The tsconfig.json file passed to the TypeScript compiler
src = "",


Required name.

A unique name for this target.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Additional tsconfig.json files referenced via extends


Required label.

The tsconfig.json file passed to the TypeScript compiler


Implementation rule behind the ts_project macro. Most users should use ts_project instead.

This skips conveniences like validation of the tsconfig attributes, default settings for srcs and tsconfig, and pre-declaring output files.

Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:defs.bzl", "ts_project_rule")

# A unique name for this target.
name = "",
# TypeScript source files
srcs = [],
# TypeScript compiler binary
tsc = "",
# TypeScript compiler worker binary
tsc_worker = "",
# tsconfig.json file, see
tsconfig = "",
validator = "",


Required name.

A unique name for this target.


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional label. Default: None


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional boolean. Default: False


Optional string. Default: ""


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Files which are needed by a downstream build step such as a bundler.

See more details on the assets parameter of the ts_project macro.


Optional list of strings. Default: []


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Runtime dependencies to include in binaries/tests that depend on this target.

Follows the same semantics as js_library data attribute. See for more info.


Optional string. Default: ""


Optional list of labels. Default: []

List of targets that produce TypeScript typings (.d.ts files)

Follows the same runfiles semantics as js_library deps attribute. See for more info.


Optional string. Default: ""


Optional string. Default: ""


Required list of labels.

TypeScript source files


Optional integer. Default: 0

Whether to use a custom tsc compiler which understands Bazel's persistent worker protocol.

See the docs for supports_workers on the ts_project macro.


Optional boolean. Default: False

Whether TypeScript version is >= 5.0.0


Optional integer. Default: -1

Whether tsc should be used to produce .js outputs

Values are:

  • -1: Error if --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:default_to_tsc_transpiler not set, otherwise transpile
  • 0: Do not transpile
  • 1: Transpile


Optional label. Default: None

Externally transpiled .js to be included in output providers


Optional label. Default: None

Externally transpiled .d.ts to be included in output providers


Optional boolean. Default: False

Whether tsc should be used to produce .d.ts outputs


Required label.

TypeScript compiler binary


Required label.

TypeScript compiler worker binary


Required label.

tsconfig.json file, see


Optional boolean. Default: False

Whether type-checking should be a separate action.

This allows the transpilation action to run without waiting for typings from dependencies.

Requires a minimum version of typescript 5.6 for the noCheck flag which is automatically set on the transpilation action when the typecheck action is isolated.

Requires isolatedDeclarations to be set so that declarations can be emitted without dependencies. The use of isolatedDeclarations may require significant changes to your codebase and should be done as a pre-requisite to enabling isolated_typecheck.


Optional boolean. Default: True

whether to add a Validation Action to verify the other attributes match settings in the tsconfig.json file


Required label.


Optional label. Default: None

Location in bazel-out where tsc will write a .tsbuildinfo file


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Locations in bazel-out where tsc will write .js files


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Locations in bazel-out where tsc will write files


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Locations in bazel-out where tsc will write files


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Locations in bazel-out where tsc will write .d.ts files


Optional string. Default: "default"

A predefined function used as the resource_set for actions.

Used with --experimental_action_resource_set to reserve more RAM/CPU, preventing Bazel overscheduling resource-intensive actions.

By default, Bazel allocates 1 CPU and 250M of RAM.

Macros and Functions


Compiles one TypeScript project using tsc --project.

This is a drop-in replacement for the tsc rule automatically generated for the "typescript" package, typically loaded from @npm//typescript:package_json.bzl. Unlike bare tsc, this rule understands the Bazel interop mechanism (Providers) so that this rule works with others that produce or consume TypeScript typings (.d.ts files).

One of the benefits of using ts_project is that it understands the Bazel Worker Protocol which makes the overhead of starting the compiler be a one-time cost. Worker mode is on by default to speed up build and typechecking process.

Some TypeScript options affect which files are emitted, and Bazel needs to predict these ahead-of-time. As a result, several options from the tsconfig file must be mirrored as attributes to ts_project. A validation action is run to help ensure that these are correctly mirrored. See for a listing of the TypeScript options.

If you have problems getting your ts_project to work correctly, read the dedicated troubleshooting guide.

Example usage (generated):

load("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:defs.bzl", "ts_project")

# a name for this target
name = "",



a name for this target


Optional. Default: None

Label of the tsconfig.json file to use for the compilation. To support "chaining" of more than one extended config, this label could be a target that provides TsConfigInfo such as ts_config.

By default, if a "tsconfig.json" file is in the same folder with the ts_project rule, it is used.

Instead of a label, you can pass a dictionary matching the JSON schema.

See docs/ for detailed information.


Optional. Default: None

List of labels of TypeScript source files to be provided to the compiler.

If absent, the default is set as follows:

  • Include all TypeScript files in the package, recursively.
  • If allow_js is set, include all JavaScript files in the package as well.
  • If resolve_json_module is set, include all JSON files in the package, but exclude package.json, package-lock.json, and tsconfig*.json.


Optional. Default: []

List of strings of additional command-line arguments to pass to tsc. See Typically useful arguments for debugging are --listFiles and --listEmittedFiles.


Optional. Default: []

Files needed at runtime by binaries or tests that transitively depend on this target. See


Optional. Default: []

List of targets that produce TypeScript typings (.d.ts files)

If this list contains linked npm packages, npm package store targets or other targets that provide JsInfo, NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are gathered from JsInfo. This is done directly from the npm_package_store_deps field of these. For linked npm package targets, the underlying npm_package_store target(s) that back the links is used. Gathered NpmPackageStoreInfo providers are propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked npm_package targets.

NB: Linked npm package targets that are "dev" dependencies do not forward their underlying npm_package_store target(s) through npm_package_store_deps and will therefore not be propagated to the direct dependencies of downstream linked npm_package targets. npm packages that come in from npm_translate_lock are considered "dev" dependencies if they are have dev: true set in the pnpm lock file. This should be all packages that are only listed as "devDependencies" in all package.json files within the pnpm workspace. This behavior is intentional to mimic how devDependencies work in published npm packages.


Optional. Default: []

Files which are needed by a downstream build step such as a bundler.

These files are not included as inputs to any actions spawned by ts_project. They are not transpiled, and are not visible to the type-checker. Instead, these files appear among the outputs of this target.

A typical use is when your TypeScript code has an import that TS itself doesn't understand such as

import './my.scss'

and the type-checker allows this because you have an "ambient" global type declaration like

declare module '*.scss' { ... }

A bundler like webpack will expect to be able to resolve the ./my.scss import to a file and doesn't care about the typing declaration. A bundler runs as a build step, so it does not see files included in the data attribute.

Note that data is used for files that are resolved by some binary, including a test target. Behind the scenes, data populates Bazel's Runfiles object in DefaultInfo, while this attribute populates the transitive_sources of the JsInfo.


Optional. Default: None

Label of the tsconfig file referenced in the extends section of tsconfig To support "chaining" of more than one extended config, this label could be a target that provdes TsConfigInfo such as ts_config.


Optional. Default: False

Whether TypeScript will read .js and .jsx files. When used with declaration, TypeScript will generate .d.ts files from .js files.


Optional. Default: False

Whether to type-check asynchronously as a separate bazel action. Requires Requires


Optional. Default: False

Whether the declaration bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a .d.ts output for each .ts source.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the sourceMap bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a output for each .ts source.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the declarationMap bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a output for each .ts source.


Optional. Default: None

Boolean; specifies whether TypeScript will read .json files. If set to True or False and tsconfig is a dict, resolveJsonModule is set in the generated config file. If set to None and tsconfig is a dict, resolveJsonModule is unset in the generated config and typescript default or extended tsconfig value will be load bearing.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the jsx value is set to "preserve" in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a .jsx or output for each .tsx source.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the composite bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a .tsbuildinfo output and a .d.ts output for each .ts source.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the incremental bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel to expect a .tsbuildinfo output.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the noEmit bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel not to expect any outputs.


Optional. Default: False

Whether the emitDeclarationOnly bit is set in the tsconfig. Instructs Bazel not to expect .js or outputs for .ts sources.


Optional. Default: None

A custom transpiler tool to run that produces the JavaScript outputs instead of tsc.

Under --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:default_to_tsc_transpiler, the default is to use tsc to produce .js outputs in the same action that does the type-checking to produce .d.ts outputs. This is the simplest configuration, however tsc is slower than alternatives. It also means developers must wait for the type-checking in the developer loop.

Without --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:default_to_tsc_transpiler, an explicit value must be set. This may be the string "tsc" to explicitly choose tsc, just like the default above.

It may also be any rule or macro with this signature: (name, srcs, **kwargs)

If JavaScript outputs are configured to not be emitted the custom transpiler will not be used, such as when no_emit = True or emit_declaration_only = True.

See docs/ for more details.


Optional. Default: None

A custom transpiler tool to run that produces the TypeScript declaration outputs instead of tsc.

It may be any rule or macro with this signature: (name, srcs, **kwargs)

If TypeScript declaration outputs are configured to not be emitted the custom declaration transpiler will not be used, such as when no_emit = True or declaration = False.

See docs/ for more details.


Optional. Default: None

The user-specified value of tsBuildInfoFile from the tsconfig. Helps Bazel to predict the path where the .tsbuildinfo output is written.


Optional. Default: "@npm_typescript//:tsc"

Label of the TypeScript compiler binary to run. This allows you to use a custom API-compatible compiler in place of the regular tsc such as a custom js_binary or Angular's ngc. compatible with it such as Angular's ngc.

See examples of use in examples/custom_compiler


Optional. Default: "@npm_typescript//:tsc_worker"

Label of a custom TypeScript compiler binary which understands Bazel's persistent worker protocol.


Optional. Default: True

Whether to check that the dependencies are valid and the tsconfig JSON settings match the attributes on this target. Set this to False to skip running our validator, in case you have a legitimate reason for these to differ, e.g. you have a setting enabled just for the editor but you want different behavior when Bazel runs tsc.


Optional. Default: "@npm_typescript//:validator"

Label of the tsconfig validator to run when validate = True.


Optional. Default: None

String specifying a subdirectory under the bazel-out folder where generated declaration outputs are written. Equivalent to the TypeScript --declarationDir option. By default declarations are written to the out_dir.


Optional. Default: None

String specifying a subdirectory under the bazel-out folder where outputs are written. Equivalent to the TypeScript --outDir option.

Note that Bazel always requires outputs be written under a subdirectory matching the input package, so if your rule appears in path/to/my/package/BUILD.bazel and out_dir = "foo" then the .js files will appear in bazel-out/[arch]/bin/path/to/my/package/foo/*.js.

By default the out_dir is the package's folder under bazel-out.


Optional. Default: None

String specifying a subdirectory under the input package which should be consider the root directory of all the input files. Equivalent to the TypeScript --rootDir option. By default it is '.', meaning the source directory where the BUILD file lives.


Optional. Default: -1

Whether the "Persistent Worker" protocol is enabled. This uses a custom tsc compiler to make rebuilds faster. Note that this causes some known correctness bugs, see We do not intend to fix these bugs.

Worker mode can be enabled for all ts_projects in a build with the global --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:supports_workers flag. To enable worker mode for all builds in the workspace, add build --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:supports_workers to the .bazelrc.

This is a "tri-state" attribute, accepting values [-1, 0, 1]. The behavior is:

  • -1: use the value of the global --@aspect_rules_ts//ts:supports_workers flag.
  • 0: Override the global flag, disabling workers for this target.
  • 1: Override the global flag, enabling workers for this target.



passed through to underlying ts_project_rule, eg. visibility, tags



Provides TypeScript configuration, in the form of a tsconfig.json file along with any transitively referenced tsconfig.json files chained by the "extends" feature