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Configuring BUILD files

To configure Bazel, you'll need to author BUILD files, and sometimes improve how they are written.

By the end of this section, you'll have written a simple BUILD file.



A "Bazel package" is a filesystem tree rooted at a BUILD or BUILD.bazel file.

root/             # This is the "//" package
├── BUILD.bazel
├── ...
├── animations # Here is the "//animations" package
│ ├── BUILD.bazel
│ ├── browser # Here is "//animations/browser"
│ │ ├── BUILD.bazel
│ │ └── ...
| | ...
│ ├── src
│ │ └── index.ts # This file is in the `animations` package, since there's no BUILD here
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── BUILD.bazel
│ │ └── ...

Packages are encapsulated.

  • glob doesn't cross them (!!)
  • Sources in a package aren't visible outside without exports_files
  • Outputs must be written within the same package

We prefer BUILD.bazel over BUILD to be more explicit, to allow for tooling to select with *.bazel, and to avoid colliding with a directory named build on case-insensitive systems.

However in text it's easier to abbreviate them by writing just BUILD to mean either file.



A "Label" is a string identifier that refers to a source file, an output file, or a target.


          ┌ package name ┐
v v
^ ^
| └ target
└ repository name (optional)

Label shorthand

If the working directory is in the same workspace, //animations/util:draw_circle

  • // means the root of that workspace.
  • On the command line, labels can be relative to the working directory
  • Each package has a default label, named after the package

You can usually use this shorthand to save typing. For example you could just cd backend; bazel run devserver rather than bazel run //backend/devserver:devserver.

Every package should have a nice default target, to save typing and make an ergonomic experience for developers interacting with Bazel in your project. You can use alias to introduce an indirection, for example if you'd like users to be able to bazel run backend from the repository root, then you'd add an alias:

name = "backend", # the default target for the backend package
actual = "//backend/devserver",

Run bazel help target-syntax


Starlark is a python-ish language used by Bazel, buck, tilt, and many other tools. There are Java, Go, and Rust implementations of the interpreter.

The spec is surprisingly readable, and explains things like how the execution model is guaranteed to allow parallel evaluation. Read:

BUILD.bazel files are written in a subset of Starlark. Bazel extensions, written in *.bzl files, use the full Starlark language.

Anatomy of a BUILD file

load statements

load statements should appear at the top of the file. They import symbols into file scope.

The first argument is a label of a .bzl source file, and following arguments are symbols to load.

load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:write_source_files.bzl", "write_source_files")

You can alias a symbol on load, to avoid collisions:

load("@npm//:typescript/package_json.bzl", typescript_bin = "bin")

package statement

Optionally, you can define defaults for all targets in the BUILD file:

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

Target declarations

A "rule" is like a constructor, creating a target. These are "bare facts": they only describe the source files and their dependencies. They do not say what to do. The rule implementation is responsible for instructing Bazel what build steps are required.

name = "compile",
srcs = ["index.ts"],
tsconfig = "//src:tsconfig",
data = ["my.json"],
deps = [":node_modules/color"],

The arguments to the ts_project rule are called "attributes". Some are common for most rules:

  • name is always required; we'll use this in a label to refer to the target
  • srcs typically means files in the source tree which are grouped together
  • deps typically means other targets, either 1p or 3p, needed at build time
  • data is like deps but is only needed at runtime

Other attributes are particular to the rule implementation.

  • tsconfig is an attribute specific to ts_project which tells Bazel where the configuration file is

Writing BUILD files

The majority of content in the BUILD file should be generated by bazel configure (Aspect CLI only) or by building a Gazelle binary and running it.

These things can be automated:

  • srcs contains all files in the current package with the conventional extension.
  • deps can be determined by looking at all the import statements in the srcs and mapping them to labels which provide that symbol.
  • tests can be separated out by a file convention

The glob function allows you to skip file listing, for example with srcs = glob(["*.ts"]).

However, the glob must be evaluated every time Bazel loads the file, and so it incurs a performance penalty, especially as the number of files in the package grows.

It also doesn't descend into sub-packages, so it's easy to omit files by accident.

Finding rules

The first approach is just to learn more APIs which are already available. If the problem you're solving isn't novel, then other engineers probably ran into it before, and may have provided a solution you can simply adopt.

There is a vibrant ecosystem of rules for Bazel, and you should be able to find documentation for those.

You should skim through these to form a rough memory of what's available. This way when you encounter an interesting problem while writing a BUILD file, you can search on this site to find that useful nugget.

You can also look through example repositories like aspect bazel-examples to find solutions to problems similar to yours. If you don't find a solution, consider donating a Feature Bounty on our OpenCollective and we can add it for you.

Key building block: run_binary

This rule is an "adapter" from an executable (something you could bazel run) to an action (something you can bazel build).

The executable (called a "tool" here) is run in a single action which spawns that executable given some declared inputs, and produces some declared, default outputs.


Bazel's built-in genrule looks a lot like run_binary, but it's best to avoid it.

  • Arbitrary bash one-liner, commonly non-hermetic
  • Bash dependency hurts portability
  • Subtly different semantics for expand_location, stamp, etc.

Here's a sample usage, which runs my_tool with three arguments to produce a folder called dir_a:

  1. The path to some.file which is the only input
  2. An --outdir flag, which we know from reading the CLI documentation for my_tool.
    • We're always required to predict what path the tool will write to. If you get it wrong, Bazel will error that the "output was not produced".
  3. A syntax-sugar shorthand for "the output folder Bazel assigns for this action"
load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:run_binary.bzl", "run_binary")

name = "dir_a",
srcs = ["some.file"],
args = ["$(execpath some.file)", "--outdir", "$(@D)"],
out_dirs = ["dir_a"],
tool = ":my_tool",

The js_run_binary rule takes it a step further, adding the ability to:

  • capture stdout/stderr/exit code as "outputs"
  • chdir to a specific working directory
  • throw away log-spam on success


Making tools work

The tool in run_binary can be any executable. However some tools don't work the way Bazel expects. This can usually be fixed without having to change the tool, which is good since most tools are written by third-parties who don't care about your Bazel migration problems!


Google engineers got in the habit of rewriting everything to work with Blaze. Do not follow their lead! Changing more than one thing at a time makes your migration riskier.

You can make most tools work under Bazel by asking: "How can the tool tell that it's running under Bazel?"

There are three ways to make the tool think it's still running outside Bazel:

  1. "Monkey-patch" the runtime
    • Node.js --require flag to run
    • JVM has a classpath, you can inject a shadowing class
  2. In-process wrapper
    • Peel one layer off the tool's CLI
    • Write your own CLI that calls its entry point
  3. Parent process wrapper
    • Often a short Bash script

Comparing Rules and Macros

So far, we've used features that ship with Bazel or with rulesets. What do we do when we need something more?

First, recall that an Action is a transformation from some inputs to some outputs, by spawning a tool.


A "Rule" extends Bazel to understand how to produce an action sub-graph from the user's dependency graph.


  • Output Groups: Multiple named sets of outputs
  • Can run multiple actions. Which actions run depends on which outputs are requested.
  • Interoperability API with other rules: "Providers"
  • Walk the dependency graph: "Aspects"

We'll learn to write a custom rule, however they are an advanced topic and not needed in many cases.

Macros are significantly easier to write than custom rules.

As a product engineer who rarely needs to interact with Bazel internals, it's likely not worth your time to learn how to write a custom rule.

However you can nearly always accomplish your goal with a macro instead.

So, we'll learn about the more usable alterative in the next section: Macros.