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Version: 2024.41.17

aspect run

Build a single target and run it with the given arguments


Equivalent to aspect build <target> followed by spawning the resulting executable.


Two environment variables will be present that the program may reference:

  • BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY: the root of the workspace where the build was run.
  • BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY: the current working directory where Bazel was run from.

Note that the <target>may have an args and envattribute. The run command honors these and sets the arguments and environment of the spawned executable, unlike if the binary is executed as an action during a build step, or is run directly outside of Bazel. See

run accepts any build options, and will inherit any defaults provided by .bazelrc.

If your script needs stdin or execution not constrained by the bazel lock, use bazel run --script_path to write a script and then execute it.

By default, the program is run with a working directory inside $(aspect info execution_root). Some programs expect to be run under a certain working directory, such as the workspace root. Use the --run_under flag with a cd command, like aspect run --run_under="cd $PWD &&" //my:program to use the current directory. Another common approach if the program's code is in your repo (first-party) is to check for the presence of BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY in the environment, then change the working directory of the process. You'd typically do this at the very beginning of the program execution.

aspect run [--run_under=command-prefix] <target> -- [args for program ...]


  -h, --help   help for run

Options inherited from parent commands

      --aspect:config string   User-specified Aspect CLI config file. /dev/null indicates that all further --aspect:config flags will be ignored.
--aspect:interactive Interactive mode (e.g. prompts for user input)